Er zijn 4 artikelen gevonden met het woord GDP.
Artikel 51 tot 55 met de

betekenis van het woord GDP

Geplaatst op: dinsdag 19 februari 2013

Valuta-Oorlogen: Korea heeft Japan in het vizier

While the rest of the developed (read trade deficit) world's foray into the currency wars was completely predictable and expected, there was one country that had so far kept very silent on the topic of Japan's attempts to crush its currency: its main export competitor, South Korea. Recall that for this Asian nation exports are everything, and as Yonhap reminds us, "exports of goods and services amounted to 538.5 trillion won (US$506 billion) in the January-September period, or 57.3 percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP), according to the data by the Bank of Korea. The reading was higher than 56.2 percent tallied for all of 2011 and the highest since the central bank began compiling related data in 1970, and South Korea's exports accounted for 13.2 percent of its GDP." The reason for South Korea's relative silence is that, as we showed yesterday, in the global race to debase launched with the end of the Bretton Woods, it was the undisputed leader, outdoing even the US.

Moments ago South Korea may have just had enough and broke the seal on its code of silence. As Reuters reports, "South Korea said that while the Group of 20 nations at their meeting last weekend did not single out Japan for monetary and fiscal measures that have weakened the yen, the group did not exactly endorse Japan's quantitative easing policy, which in fact stirred controversy."

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Geplaatst op: donderdag 14 februari 2013

VS: de huizenprijzen zijn terug!

Six years after the onset of the traumatic US housing crisis, the optics are there that suggest a stabilization is occurring. Whether real or manufactured by record-low foreclosures, bank supply withdrawals, and fed-subsidized cash REO-to-rent trades, the sad truth is that jobs (and the GDP-enhancing multiplier effect that they create) are just not coming. Even Bob Shiller prefers the potential for 4% gains in stocks over housing risk in the medium-term as he points out that - inflation-adjusted - house prices are back at levels first seen in 1894... now that is a long-term investor.

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Geplaatst op: donderdag 7 februari 2013

VS: hier gaat het geld heen

The most vocal justification provided for the disappointing Q4 GDP print by the mainstream was an increase in US government "austerity" resulting in a decline in the government contribution to the economic bottom line in the last quarter (or first fiscal quarter of 2013). Ironically, both total spending and total debt issuance in the past quarter increased, which means that far from being austere, the US actually spent more, not less, i.e., the opposite of austerity.

And while it is true that Defense spending declined by a tiny amount in the past quarter compared to the year ago, it was more than offset by a surge in Medicare and Medicaid, as well as Social Security, or, as they are better known, welfare. And, as the CBO yesterday showed, these two components of US spending, which together account for half of all US spending and which couldn't be funded by all US revenues even if the government spent $0.00 for all other programs, which will soar in the coming years as US society ages, as more workers retire, and as more are reliant on Uncle Sam for the payment of every bill. So the next time someone say that the US has a defense spending problem and nothing else, show them this chart.

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Geplaatst op: maandag 4 februari 2013

Bill Gross: "Amerikaanse economie op weg naar vernietiging"

Volgens Bill Gross van obligatiebelegger Pimco stevent de Amerikaanse economie af op een ramp. Met de Dow Jones op 14.000 punten en goede bedrijfswinsten zou je dat niet zeggen, maar waar Gross naar kijkt is de enorme schuldenberg op publiek en privaat niveau. Er is $20 aan krediet nodig voor elke $1 stijging in het GDP. Dat zal op termijn onhoudbaar zijn.

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Geplaatst op: zaterdag 2 februari 2013

Record: Argentiniƫ krijgt als eerste land ooit censuur status van IMF vanwege CPI gegevens

The IMF Executive Board found that Argentina's efforts to meet its demands for better GDP and inflation data have "not been sufficient. As a result, the Fund has issued a declaration of censure against Argentina."

The censure decision opened the way to Argentina possibly losing its voting rights at the IMF, or even losing it membership, AFP reported.

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