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betekenis van het woord PIIGS

Geplaatst op: vrijdag 30 september 2011

Soros: Nieuwe depressie in de maak

Volgens George Soros stevent Europa en uiteindelijk de rest van de wereld af op een nieuwe depressie. De economie van China en de VS is erg afhankelijk van de export. Indien de problemen in Europa niet binnen enkele weken opgelost worden, zou dit wel eens kunnen leiden tot een nieuwe grote depressie.

Volgens George Soros stevent Europa en uiteindelijk de rest van de wereld af op een nieuwe depressie. De economie van China en de VS is erg afhankelijk van de export. Indien de problemen in Europa niet binnen enkele weken opgelost worden, zou dit wel eens kunnen leiden tot een nieuwe grote depressie.

George Soros penned an article this morning that he thinks we are headed towards another Great Depression.

Europe is on the verge of a collapse, and unless something gets done relatively soon, (perhaps as soon as the next few weeks), Europe is likely to experience their own 2008 scenario. The U.S. and Chinese economies are heavily dependent on exporting goods to Europe, and with Eurozone growth slowing as a result of the potential default in Greece, and then on to the rest of the PIIGS, a "Great Depression-like scenario" could very well play out.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 27 september 2011

Europe's Banking Crisis is a Sovereign Coordination Crisis

I often hear that Europe is trying to avoid its‘Lehman event, or that the PIIGS euro area bonds are the European equivalent of  subprime bonds.

I often hear that Europe is trying to avoid its‘Lehman event, or that the PIIGS euro area bonds are the European equivalent of  subprime bonds.

Rather, the European banking crisis is centered on a failure of public coordination that’s made explicit and implicit holdings of sovereign assets a risk to even the healthiest of banks.

Lees verder op Economomitor
Geplaatst op: zondag 25 september 2011

Is Austerity Contractionary In The PIIGS?

I havent spent nearly as much time thinking about the internals of Europe and Eurozone as I should. Mainly I have thought about ECB policy as a whole. However, there is this debate going on over what the individual countries as countries should do.

I havent spent nearly as much time thinking about the internals of Europe and Eurozone as I should. Mainly I have thought about ECB policy as a whole. However, there is this debate going on over what the individual countries as countries should do.

Its not clear to me, however, that for the PIIGS austerity would be contractionary. I have written and erased several posts on this already but let me just lay down my primary areas of confusion.

Lees verder op Seeking Alpha
Geplaatst op: vrijdag 23 september 2011

ECB is PIIGS obligaties aan het hamsteren

De Europese Central Bank is helemaal losgeslagen. Dit is zo'n grafiek waarbij je van die Albert Heijn hamstertjes hoort schreeuwen.

De Europese Central Bank is helemaal losgeslagen. Dit is zo'n grafiek waarbij je van die Albert Heijn hamstertjes hoort schreeuwen.

De Europese Central Bank is helemaal losgeslagen. Dit is zo'n grafiek waarbij je van die Albert Heijn hamstertjes hoort schreeuwen.

Lees verder op Biflatie
Geplaatst op: woensdag 21 september 2011

Can the BRICs save the PIIGS?

Brazils limited offer of $10 billion of support for the euro zone is pure posturing aimed at enhancing its status in global finance. But Brasilias idea to channel it through the International Monetary Fund has merit. Why, though, limit their efforts to the BRICs? Other large holders of reserves should also join the club.

Brazils limited offer of $10 billion of support for the euro zone is pure posturing aimed at enhancing its status in global finance. But Brasilias idea to channel it through the International Monetary Fund has merit. Why, though, limit their efforts to the BRICs? Other large holders of reserves should also join the club.

Brazilian attempts to cajole the rest of the BRICs into supporting the euro zone dont yet look credible. Neither India nor Russia appears keen. And China may prefer a more unilateral approach.

Lees verder op Reuters
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