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Geplaatst op: donderdag 22 september 2016

This is a ‘government invitation for helicopter money’

On Tuesday, the Bank of Japan held its benchmark interest rate at -0.10% and announced a shift in policy, opting to target the shape of the Japanese yield curve.

On Tuesday, the Bank of Japan held its benchmark interest rate at -0.10% and announced a shift in policy, opting to target the shape of the Japanese yield curve.

In its statement, the BOJ said it will purchase Japanese government bonds, or JGBs, with the aim of keeping the 10-year Japanese Government Bond rate “more or less at the current level” of about 0%.

In a special report sent out to CLIENTS on Wednesday, Deutsche Bank Strategist George Saravelos says the shift by the central bank is a sign that its “running out of policy options,” and he makes note of three observations in particular.

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Geplaatst op: zondag 14 februari 2016

Clash of the nodes: Gaat Bitcoin classic het winnen van Bitcoin-core?

Afgelopen week kwam de eerste versie van de bitcoin classic client uit die 2 Megabyte blocks mogelijk moet gaan maken. Het is nu maar afwachten of de Bitcoin-classic nodes een meerderheid gaan krijgen over de Bitcoin core nodes. Ik denk het eerlijk gezegd niet, ook al timmeren ze aardig aan de weg. Je kan de strijd tussen de CLIENTS volgen vanuit je luie stoel op waar ze een realtime overzicht bijhouden van alle bitcoin nodes.

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Geplaatst op: maandag 24 november 2014

W. Middelkoop - Deutsche Bank: ‘Debt cancellation being the end game’

Deutsche Bank’s Jim Reid is quite an influential commentator. His research is send to many insiders of the financial industry. Zerohedge last week reported on Reid’s comments about his CLIENTS talking about ‘debt cancellation being the end game’. Because this subject is not reported in the MSM (mainstream media) we quote from his report;

Lees verder op The BIG RESET
Geplaatst op: woensdag 22 januari 2014

Italiaanse slechte leningen op recordhoogte

With all eyes gloating over Ireland's recent ability to issue debt in the capital markets once again (and now with 10Y trading only 40bps above US Treasuries), Europe's game of distraction continues. However, while spreads (and yields) tumble in all the PIIGS, with Italian yields at almost 7-year lows, it is perhaps surprising to some that Italian bad loan rates are at their highest on record. Having risen at a stunning 23% year-over-year - its fastest in 2 years, Italian gross non-performing loans (EUR149.6 billion) as a proportion of total lending rose to 7.8% in November (up from 6.1% a year earlier). As the Italian Banking Association admits in a statement today, deposits are declining (-1.9% YoY) and bonds sold to CLIENTS (-9.4% YoY) as Italy's bank CLIENTS with bad loans have more than doubled since 2008.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 23 april 2013

Goldman sluit Comex goudshort

It appears Goldman (together with virtually everyone else focused on physical not paper gold) has bought enough gold from its CLIENTS. Now, there is only upside.

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