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Geplaatst op: zaterdag 28 juni 2014

7 vreemde dingen die geld met je hersenen doen

Neuroeconomics is giving us a picture of the brain on money. Some of it isn't pretty.

Neuroeconomics is giving us a picture of the brain on money. Some of it isn't pretty.

Money is packed with meaning, and it impacts our personalities, our relationships, and how we think.  As you might imagine, a lot of stuff is going on in our brains when we think about money, and some of it is SURPRISING. Researchers in the emerging field of neuroeconomics are drawing on psychology, neuroscience, and economics to give us picture of the human brain on money. Let’s take a look.

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Geplaatst op: vrijdag 20 juni 2014

Vierde bank van Bulgarije onder supervisie na bankrun

The small, impoverished country of Bulgaria may not be in the Eurozone (even though its currency is pegged to the Euro), but it is in the European Union. Which is why we find it SURPRISING that there has been relatively little mention that overnight the fourth largest Bulgarian bank, Corporate Commercial Bank (Corpbank) and which in recent weeks has made headlines due to the political exposure of one of its largest shareholders, was seized by the Bulgarian central bank following what Reuters reports was a run on the bank.

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Geplaatst op: donderdag 27 maart 2014

Rusland wil eigen betalingssysteem in elkaar gaan zetten

The more the West attempts to "isolate" Russia and pushes it away from its "core values" and of course the US Dollar, the more Russia will seek the safety of a non-dollar based system. We have previously described how Putin has been scrambling to enmesh Russia in tight bilateral commodity-based trade with both China and India, and now it is Russia's turn to announce it would seek its own "national payment settlement system" following last week's SURPRISING and unmandated service halts by both Visa and MasterCard, which as Vladimir Putin said earlier today, will be a "bid to reduce economic dependence on the West."

Putin observed, cited by AFP, that Russia is aggressively looking to trim its dependence on the west for payment settlement: "In countries such as Japan and China these systems work, and work very well," Putin told lawmakers in televised remarks.

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Geplaatst op: woensdag 22 januari 2014

Italiaanse slechte leningen op recordhoogte

With all eyes gloating over Ireland's recent ability to issue debt in the capital markets once again (and now with 10Y trading only 40bps above US Treasuries), Europe's game of distraction continues. However, while spreads (and yields) tumble in all the PIIGS, with Italian yields at almost 7-year lows, it is perhaps SURPRISING to some that Italian bad loan rates are at their highest on record. Having risen at a stunning 23% year-over-year - its fastest in 2 years, Italian gross non-performing loans (EUR149.6 billion) as a proportion of total lending rose to 7.8% in November (up from 6.1% a year earlier). As the Italian Banking Association admits in a statement today, deposits are declining (-1.9% YoY) and bonds sold to clients (-9.4% YoY) as Italy's bank clients with bad loans have more than doubled since 2008.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 29 oktober 2013

Verontrustend veel geld zwerft rond

JPM Sees "Most Extreme Ever Excess Liquidity" Bubble After $3 Trillion "Created" In First 9 Months Of 2013

JPM's Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, editor of the "Flows and Liquidity" weekly research piece, is one of the greater experts on, not SURPRISINGly, global monetary flows and liquidity. Which as we noted back in 2009, is all that matters in a world in which the micro, and recently the macro, have all been made obsolete by one simple thing: credit-money creation by the monetary authorities. Which is why we read with interest his latest edition in which he sets off to answer a not so simple question: "how much liquidity is there?" What he finds is disturbing.

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