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betekenis van het woord TYPICAL

Geplaatst op: dinsdag 20 september 2016

12 things successful people do during their lunch break

Do you TYPICALly spend your lunch hour scarfing down an unhealthy meal at your desk? Maybe you run out for a quick bite but keep your eyes glued to your smartphone. Or perhaps you just skip lunch altogether.

Do you TYPICALly spend your lunch hour scarfing down an unhealthy meal at your desk? Maybe you run out for a quick bite but keep your eyes glued to your smartphone. Or perhaps you just skip lunch altogether.

Experts say your lunch hour is critical for keeping your productivity and energy levels up. Working or rushing through it can be detrimental to your success.

“Your lunch hour is your chance to get refocused, reenergized, and refueled (literally) for the rest of your day,” says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker and author of “The Humor Advantage. “Successful people treat it like the half-time show at a football game – an opportunity to regroup and consider how they’re going to play out the rest of their day.”

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Geplaatst op: zaterdag 3 augustus 2013

Leraar verdient 4 miljoen dollar

South Korea's students rank among the best in the world, and its top teachers can make a fortune. Can the U.S. learn from this academic superpower?

Kim Ki-hoon earns $4 million a year in South Korea, where he is known as a rock-star teacher—a combination of words not TYPICALly heard in the rest of the world. Mr. Kim has been teaching for over 20 years, all of them in the country's private, after-school tutoring academies, known as hagwons. Unlike most teachers across the globe, he is paid according to the demand for his skills—and he is in high demand.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 22 januari 2013

Massale interesse voor zilveren munten in China

I have been in China for the past few months and I have been witnessing the silver and gold demand first hand at ground zero. Let me tell you. At first, I was quite stunned to see the small silver and gold shops that sell everything but the bullion rounds we are used to seeing back in the states like ASEs, Maples, Krugerrands, and even Chinese Pandas (these are only legally sold at the National Chinese Banks like Bank of China, ICBC, etc).

The reason I was stunned is that I did not witness the TYPICAL scene described back in Western websites about the massive PM demand in China when I first arrived in October. Of course there is a lot of retail demand in China for silver and gold but the bulk of this retail demand appears to comes around the Chinese new year (which is Feb 9 this year).  The TYPICAL scene at a silver/gold store did not impress me. This changed very quickly as the Chinese buying habits according to a Western mind (me) are not very predictable and appear to be lemming like or Giffen-good esque. In other words, if they see that something will increase their prestige or esteem and people are catching on, then all of a sudden like a tidal wave, everyone will start buying it, wearing it, or doing whatever “it” is. This is a common trait in South Korea, where 1 product or musician can become very popular out of no where. One has to keep in mind that in general, Asia, which is not based on Judeo-Christian norms, is an area all about perception, prestige, and not losing face.

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Geplaatst op: zondag 2 september 2012

BTW verhogingen maken Spanjaarden niet echt blij

A TYPICAL Saturday at Mercado de las Ventas - one of Madrid's largest markets. But many stall owners and shoppers here - already hit by tough austerity measures - will be feeling the pinch after a VAT tax hike came into force today across Spain. VAT on meat and fish increased from 8 to 10 percent though essentials like bread and milk stayed the same. Many of these stall owners have opted to take the hit for now, but customers are still upset.

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