Er zijn 4 artikelen gevonden met het woord GDP.
Artikel 31 tot 35 met de

betekenis van het woord GDP

Geplaatst op: dinsdag 5 november 2013

Help, de PIIGS-landen krimpen!

Landen als Portugal, Italië, Ierland, Spanje en Griekenland kunnen maar moeilijk meekomen met de rest van Eurozone. Hun aandeel in het totale GDP van de Eurozone is sinds 2009 gestaag naar beneden gegaan. Hoe lang moeten die landen de druk van deflatie nog doorstaan?

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Geplaatst op: donderdag 24 oktober 2013

Overheidsschulden eurozone en EU28 stijgen

The highest ratios of government debt to GDP at the end of the second quarter of 2013 were recorded in Greece (169.1%), Italy (133.3%), Portugal (131.3%) and Ireland (125.7%), and the lowest in Estonia (9.8%), Bulgaria (18.0%) and Luxembourg (23.1%) .

The highest ratios of government debt to GDP at the end of the second quarter of 2013 were recorded in Greece (169.1%), Italy (133.3%), Portugal (131.3%) and Ireland (125.7%), and the lowest in Estonia (9.8%), Bulgaria (18.0%) and Luxembourg (23.1%) .

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Geplaatst op: woensdag 23 oktober 2013

De reservemuntloophole van Fitch

Fitch's "Reserve Currency" Loophole: 80-90% Debt/GDP Rule Does Not Apply To You

Fitch's "Reserve Currency" Loophole: 80-90% Debt/GDP Rule Does Not Apply To You

It would appear that French-owned Fitch, following its rating-watch-negative shift on the US credit rating last week, has got a tap on the shoulder from the powers that be. As Hollande complains about Obama's espionage, Fitch has released a statement explaining how the USA can do whatever it wants and not be downgraded. With only the Chinese ratings agency "able" to openly comment on the creditworthiness of the USA, it is no surprise that Fitch gave itself an "out" on the basis of the USDollar's exorbitant previlege.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 8 oktober 2013

VS: Doorlopend krediet

Normally, we would report the change in total consumer debt (revolving and non-revolving) in this space, but today we will pass, for the simple reason that the number is the merely the latest entrant in a long series of absolutely made up garbage. It appears that in the "quiet period" of data releases, when the BLS realized its "non-critical", pre-update 8MHz 8086-based machines are unable to boot up the random number generator spreadsheets known as "economic data", Ben Bernanke decided to quietly slip a modest revision to the monthly consumer credit data. A modest revision, which amounts to a whopping $180 billion cumulative increase in non-revolving credit beginning in January 2006.

So add that to the GDP, to Personal Income, to Household Net Worth, to the BLS' JOLTS "data", and of course, to last year's repeat revision of consumer credit data, as a data set, which while present, is absolutely meaningless following recent arbitrary revisions which meant all prior data contained therein was just as irrelevant.

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Geplaatst op: woensdag 2 oktober 2013

VS: Hebben we de Overheidspiek bereikt?

Have we reached Peak Government? That is, a structural point beyond which government can no longer grow sustainably?

To help answer the question, I've assembled charts of the foundations of growth: population, gross domestic product (GDP), private employment and output per person (i.e. productivity). These have grown 28%, 75%, 28% and 58% respectively. (I have used 1990 as a baseline, as the past 23 years gives us a reasonably accurate clue as to the long-term trendlines of the current economy.)

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