Er zijn 2 artikelen gevonden met het woord bailout.
Artikel 36 tot 40 met de

betekenis van het woord BAILOUT

Geplaatst op: zondag 2 maart 2014

Bijna bankroet Rome geBAILOUT terwijl Italiaanse werkloosheid piekt

A few days ago, we reported that, seemingly out of the blue, the city of Rome was on the verge of a "Detroit-style bankruptcy." In the article, Guido Guidesi, a parliamentarian from the Northern League, was quoted as saying "It's time to stop the accounting tricks and declare Rome's default." Of course, that would be unthinkable: we said that if "if one stops the accounting tricks, not only Rome, but all of Europe, as well as the US and China would all be swept under a global bankruptcy tsunami. So it is safe to assume that the tricks will continue. Especially when one considers that as Mirko Coratti, head of Rome's city council said on Wednesday, "A default of Italy's capital city would trigger a chain reaction that could sweep across the national economy." Well we can't have that, especially not with everyone in Europe living with their head stuck in the sand of universal denial, assisted by the soothing lies of Mario Draghi and all the other European spin masters." And just as expected, yesterday Rome was bailed out.

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Geplaatst op: zaterdag 1 maart 2014

Oekraïne voert kapitaalcontrole in, beperkt opname vreemde valuta

Yesterday we reported that as part of the Ukrainian central bank's plan to BAILOUT the nation's largely insolvent private banks, it would provide any needed funding but only "if they will remain under open control of the National Bank of Ukraine." And since the new CB head Stepan Kubiv's allegiance to Europe were already well-known, this was merely a quick and efficient way of providing Europe with all the banking details including asset holdings of the local population. Today, the annexation of the country's banking system by a "benevolent" Europe is complete.

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Geplaatst op: maandag 3 februari 2014

Derde Griekse BAILOUT zal tussen 10 en 20 miljard euro bedragen

Toplui van het IMF, de EU en de Franse en Duitse regering hebben vrijdag in Brussel een geheim topoverleg gehouden om de toestand in Griekenland te evalueren. Dat melden verschillende internationale media. Griekenland zelf was niet uitgenodigd.

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Geplaatst op: zondag 2 februari 2014

Italië onthult meest bizarre bankBAILOUT tot nu toe

The biggest problem facing European banks - one we highlighted most recently yesterday when we showed the latest 20% surge in Spanish Banco Popular Non-Performing Loans to a fresh record - and one we have been covering since 2010, which as of 2012 amounted to some $4.5 trillion that needs to be "remedied" - is the staggering amount of bad debt on the books of Europe's numerous banks, the bulk of which especially in the periphery are cojoined with their sovereign host in an unbreakable bond which despite Europe's theatrical attempts to sever, only keeps getting stronger.

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Geplaatst op: zondag 26 januari 2014

Terwijl het volgende EU-land naar het BAILOUTinfuus lonkt, staat een ander alweer klaar

Dubrovnik - CroatiaKredietbeoordelaar Standard & Poor’s heeft de kredietwaardigheid van Kroatië - sinds 1 juli het 28ste lid van de Europese Unie - verlaagd tot BB of de rommelstatus (‘junk’) en twee niveaus onder ‘investeringswaardig’.  S&P verwacht dat de Kroatische economie in 2014 voor het zesde opeenvolgende jaar zal krimpen. Enkel het bbp van Griekenland is de voorbije 5 jaar dieper gezakt dan dat van Kroatië.

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