Er zijn 1 artikelen gevonden met het woord ireland.
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betekenis van het woord IRELAND

Geplaatst op: maandag 19 augustus 2019

No deal Brexit: blijven Britten hongerig, ziek en zonder zich te kunnen verplaatsen achter?

Dat is toch wat een gelekt Brits rapport suggereert en impliceert. The Sunday Times kon op 17 augustus 2019 de hand leggen op geheime regeringsdocumenten. Het rapport heet ‘Yellowhammer’ en voorspelt de gevolgen van een no deal Brexit. ‘Britain faces shortages of fuel, food and medicine, a three-month meltdown at its ports, a hard border with IRELAND and rising costs in social care in the event of a no-deal Brexit.’ De documenten zetten het land ondertussen in rep en roer. Want dit gaat op moment van schrijven all over de Britse pers!

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 3 februari 2015

ECB bedreigt Griekenland.

The European Central Bank (ECB) is threatening to withdraw emergency funding from Greek banks if the Greek government doesn't do what it wants.

The European Central Bank (ECB) is threatening to withdraw emergency funding from Greek banks if the Greek government doesn't do what it wants.

The central bank's actions toward Greece occur less than two months after secret letters revealed that the ECB threatened to pull emergency funding from Irish banks if the state did not apply for a bailout, in what many saw as an overreach into the sovereign affairs of the country. The ECB later pretended that IRELAND had applied for its bailout voluntarily. The letters revealed that in fact the ECB had required the Irish government to apply.

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Geplaatst op: woensdag 22 januari 2014

Italiaanse slechte leningen op recordhoogte

With all eyes gloating over IRELAND's recent ability to issue debt in the capital markets once again (and now with 10Y trading only 40bps above US Treasuries), Europe's game of distraction continues. However, while spreads (and yields) tumble in all the PIIGS, with Italian yields at almost 7-year lows, it is perhaps surprising to some that Italian bad loan rates are at their highest on record. Having risen at a stunning 23% year-over-year - its fastest in 2 years, Italian gross non-performing loans (EUR149.6 billion) as a proportion of total lending rose to 7.8% in November (up from 6.1% a year earlier). As the Italian Banking Association admits in a statement today, deposits are declining (-1.9% YoY) and bonds sold to clients (-9.4% YoY) as Italy's bank clients with bad loans have more than doubled since 2008.

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Geplaatst op: donderdag 24 oktober 2013

Overheidsschulden eurozone en EU28 stijgen

The highest ratios of government debt to GDP at the end of the second quarter of 2013 were recorded in Greece (169.1%), Italy (133.3%), Portugal (131.3%) and IRELAND (125.7%), and the lowest in Estonia (9.8%), Bulgaria (18.0%) and Luxembourg (23.1%) .

The highest ratios of government debt to GDP at the end of the second quarter of 2013 were recorded in Greece (169.1%), Italy (133.3%), Portugal (131.3%) and IRELAND (125.7%), and the lowest in Estonia (9.8%), Bulgaria (18.0%) and Luxembourg (23.1%) .

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Geplaatst op: zaterdag 27 juli 2013

Nederland op 4e plaats wereldwijde top 10 meest innoverende landen

Six EU Member States among the world's 10 most innovative nations

Six European Union Member States are in the top ten list of the 10 most innovative nations (Sweden (2), United Kingdom (3), Netherlands (4), Finland (6), Denmark (9), IRELAND (10)), while Switzerland retained its place atop the rankings in the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2013, published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

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