Er zijn 36 artikelen gevonden met het woord asset.
Artikel 161 tot 165 met de

betekenis van het woord ASSET

Geplaatst op: zaterdag 7 september 2013

Polen confisceert helft particuliere pensioenfondsen om staatsschuld te verminderen

Government has too much debt to issue more debt Government nationalizes private pension funds making their debt holdings an "ASSET" and commingles with other public ASSETs New confiscated ASSETs net out sovereign debt liability, lowering the debt/GDP ratio Debt/GDP drops below threshold, government can issue more sovereign debt

Government has too much debt to issue more debt Government nationalizes private pension funds making their debt holdings an "ASSET" and commingles with other public ASSETs New confiscated ASSETs net out sovereign debt liability, lowering the debt/GDP ratio Debt/GDP drops below threshold, government can issue more sovereign debt

While the world was glued to the developments in the Mediterranean in the past week, Poland took a page straight out of Rahm Emanuel's playbook and in order to not let a crisis go to waste, announced quietly that it would transfer to the state - i.e., confiscate - the bulk of ASSETs owned by the country's private pension funds (many of them owned by such foreign firms as PIMCO parent Allianz, AXA, Generali, ING and Aviva), without offering any compensation. In effect, the state just nationalized roughly half of the private sector pension fund ASSETs, although it had a more politically correct name for it: pension overhaul.

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Geplaatst op: woensdag 31 juli 2013

BoE hielp Nazi's geplunderd goud te verkopen

An official history, written in 1950 but posted online for the first time on Tuesday, detailed how the "Old Lady" transfered gold held in its vaults to the Germans despite the UK Government of the day placing a freeze on all Czech ASSETs held in London.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 30 juli 2013

Griekenland: gaf reeds 75% van het bailoutgeld uit

Eurozone taxpayers and the IMF are left wondering what their bailout funds have been spent on in Greece. The Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) has spent EUR38bn (or 75% of its total) bolstering the capital of Greece's four biggest banks (and winding down eight small lenders). The EUR50bn fund looks set to be drained furtherĀ  - despite the banks comments that costs have been cut, funds raised, and ASSETs sold - as non-performing loans continue to surge. About a quarter of all loans are non-performing and that share is likely to increase as the country's six-year recession, which has wiped out over a quarter of the economy, shows little sign of abating. Have no fear though, since stress tests will be carried out later this year to establish whether Greek banks have more capital needs. Of course the key question is - just where were these rescue funds diverted within the bank shells.

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Geplaatst op: dinsdag 30 juli 2013

Gaat de Dow eerst naar 5000?

Het is alweer een tijdje geleden dat een beursbeer van zich liet horen. Dat hoeft natuurlijk niet te verbazen aangezien aandelen rond hun records handelen.

Toch kwam Terry Burnham van Acadian ASSET Management nog eens uit zijn berenhol gekropen met de voorspelling dat de Dow Jones eerst naar 5000 punten zal crashen, vooraleer de Amerikaanse beursindex een stand van 20k bereikt.

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Geplaatst op: maandag 29 juli 2013

Borrowers in Obama housing program re-defaulting, watchdog says

Borrowers who received help through the government's main foreclosure prevention program are re-defaulting on their mortgages at alarming rates, a federal watchdog said in a report released Wednesday.

Borrowers who received help through the government's main foreclosure prevention program are re-defaulting on their mortgages at alarming rates, a federal watchdog said in a report released Wednesday.

 Nearly 1.2 million mortgage modifications have been completed since the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) was first launched four years ago. Yet more than 306,000 borrowers have re-defaulted on their loans and more than 88,000 are at risk of following suit, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled ASSET Relief Program (SIGTARP) found in its quarterly report to Congress.


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