Er zijn 50 artikelen gevonden met het woord REM.
Artikel 1696 tot 1700 met de

betekenis van het woord REM

Geplaatst op: zondag 27 januari 2013

Daniel Hannan vernietigt 3 'onbetwistbare' mythes van de crisis (video)

The past and present bailouts of each and every bank (and 'important' industry) will, one day, be seen as a generational offense is how MEP Daniel Hannan begins this thoroughly British demolition of the three critical myths surrounding the crisis, that despite market optics, we are still living through. From the idea that capitalism has failed (it has not in his view, it has been ravaged by political pandering), to the crisis being caused by lack of regulation, and that greed is the single-driver of the mess that we REMain in; Hannan suggests in a brief but extREMely eloquent debate that there is a world of difference between being pro business and pro market as he destroys any semblance of credibility that the political (and elite) class has echoing a young Ron Paul in his thoroughly libertarian free-market sensibilities.

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Geplaatst op: zondag 27 januari 2013


"Why do we consider banks to be like holy churches?" is the rhetorical question that Iceland's President Olafur Ragnar Grimson asks (and answers) in this truly epic three minutes of truthiness from the farce that is the World Economic Forum in Davos. Amid a week of back-slapping and self-congratulatory party-outdoing, as John Aziz notes, the Icelandic President explains why his nation is growing strongly, why unemployment is negligible, and how they moved from the world's poster-child for banking crisis 5 years ago to a thriving nation once again. Simply put, he says, "we didn't follow the prevailing orthodoxies of the last 30 years in the Western world." There are lessons here for everyone - as Grimson explains the process of creative destruction that REMains much needed in Western economies - though we suspect his holographic pass for next year's Swiss fun will be reneged...

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Geplaatst op: zaterdag 26 januari 2013

Flash dumping Apple in de laatste seconde

Sure, the retail "investors" are coming back into the "markets"... They are coming back in shifts.  And just so they know what to expect, here is what happened to Apple stock in the last second of regular trading today, courtesy of Nanex. Unlike traditional flash crashes where the trade is an HFT error, or a few shares traded through the entire bid or offer stack, in this case it looks like a very pREMeditated unloading of some 800K shares (some $350 million worth) of AAPL in the last second, with the full knowledge it was shake the market. Why anyone would want (or wait until the very last second) to do that, while covering the offsetting ES short in the pair trade, to ramp the market into the close, is anyone's guess.

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Geplaatst op: vrijdag 25 januari 2013

Litouwen wil euro in 2015

De nieuwe centrumlinkse regering van Litouwen wil in 2015 de euro invoeren. PREMier Algirdas Butkevicius maakte dat vrijdag bekend. 

De nieuwe centrumlinkse regering van Litouwen wil in 2015 de euro invoeren. PREMier Algirdas Butkevicius maakte dat vrijdag bekend. 

Hij meldde dat een team wordt opgezet dat ervoor moet zorgen dat aan alle voorwaarden voor toetreding wordt voldaan.

De uitspraak van de pREMier komt als een verrassing, omdat hij vorig jaar tijdens de verkiezingscampagne nog sceptisch was over de overstap van de litas op de gemeenschappelijke Europese munt. Vorig jaar werd tijdens het dieptepunt van de eurocrisis druk gespeculeerd over het uiteenvallen van de muntunie.

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Geplaatst op: donderdag 24 januari 2013

Zilverschaarste nu ook aanbeland bij Canadian Maple Leaf

On Monday, we updated readers that the shortage appeared to be spreading to Canadian Maples, as wholesale pREMiums had been raised several times throughout the day.

On Monday, we updated readers that the shortage appeared to be spreading to Canadian Maples, as wholesale pREMiums had been raised several times throughout the day.

As we now have a confirmed shortage in the 2 most popular official silver coins, look for pREMiums to continue rising in the silver maples, as well as to spill over into other retail products such as 1 oz rounds, 10 oz bars, and 90% coins. 

With silver demand skyrocketing while the metal continues its now 21 month consolidation, look for absolutely monstrous demand to surface as the next leg of the bull market kicks into gear over the next 6-12 months, particularly as silver clears $40 and again nears its all time nominal highs of $50.

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" ... Everything is in a bubble ..." — Peter Schiff

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